
Dear Jan,

Do you have any quick beauty secrets? I want to submit a picture to a public site.

           FRANCA BEVEN

My Dear Franca,

MY PERSONAL SECRET: Obviously, make sure the photos you display on blogs and web sites are twenty years old. Since everything is relative, I found posing with dead scientists and statesmen a boost.

THE EMMIS: A smile - so simple - A SMILE truly connects humans. With an actual interest and caring attitude, you will reflect both your and their own sense of worth and attractiveness. Try it for a week and let me know. I also use Oil of Olay.


  1. Good advice. A smile is the best, although I did not see one on your "intellectual" look above with the "dudes."

  2. That was my libarian look so I fit in with the dudes.I have a nurses look, a cheer leader, school girl...oops that is for a different purpose.
    On my web site I have an essay from Ben Franklin's mom to him. You will note that all parents are concerned about the kids, as your gustywriter page indicates. JM
